Designed communication strategies for governments, the United Nations, NGO’s, and private sector operating in both sophisticated offices and those with limited access to electricity and equipment throughout West Africa, Middle East, Asia & Europe.
Created a 5 year public relations strategy for the Timor-Leste government, focused on an economic project called ZEESM, aimed at kick starting investment into the under-developed region of Oecusse.
Created the first public relations strategy for the Palestinian Hydrology Group based in Ramallah, implementing it across checkpoints and visa restriction areas between five offices.
Developed and integrated communications strategies using at-hand resources such as mobile phones combined with easily understood online technology such as survey monkey, Google mapping and Facebook. Examples include private West African businesses such as, MackieEstate, Extreme Fishing Liberia, and academic institutions such as the Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation based in the University of Liberia.